28 Highest Paying Apps That Pay You Daily ($325/Day)

Hey everyone, I hope you’re all having a fantastic day today. so if you’re reading this article there’s a decent chance you either have an iPhone or Android device.

if you have access to a smartphone the great news is that you can begin making money right now and that’s because in this article I’m covering over 28 of the highest paying apps out there right now on the market that you can use to make money with your phone.

now I’m going to start with some of the lower paying categories of apps and gradually work up to higher and higher paying apps as the video goes on and some of the apps in this article can even pay you hundreds of dollars in free money with just a few minutes of effort and they can really help you build real wealth.

so you definitely want to read this one kill the end let’s get to the apps all right so just starting off with the First category of the highest paying apps.

Mystery Shopping Apps

First category of the highest paying apps. I want to talk about mystery shopping apps and really the idea here is pretty simple basically companies want to get real- time honest feedback from Shoppers.

so they pay people through mystery shopping apps for doing things like taking photos of store displays rating stores buying certain products and even just walking into stores and so let me just share a few examples of some of the top mystery shopping apps that you can use to begin making money.

Field Agent

Field agent this is one of the most popular apps in the space and it has a lot of fast jobs like taking photos of product displays or store displays or just rating stores and it usually pays about $3 to12 per task.


Gigwalk is another similar app to field agent so you download it you can then find mystery shopping opportunities in your city and you know some of them are a bit weird like taking photos of buildings or confirming the price of different products but it can pay anywhere from $3 to $100 or more per task according to Gigwalk website.


Another mystery shopping app you can check out is called premise and this one’s kind of cool it has a lot of quick mystery shopping type gigs some of which pay around $5 to $8 or more you can even find some higher paying ones.

if you get a bit lucky and the main reason I like mystery shopping apps and wanted to start the article with them is they often pay you through PayPal cash or even to your bank account and ones like premise even let you cash out with Bitcoin which I thought was pretty cool.

so again you can download these apps and basically get paid to explore different stores in your city even just for walking around all right.

Cash Gaming Apps

The second category of highest paying apps I wanted to cover are cash gaming app and I cover gaming reward apps or ways to play games for money quite a bit on this website, it’s one of the you know more fun side hustles I like and this is a little bit different because in this section I want to talk about cash gaming apps which are apps where you deposit your own money to compete in competitive tournaments for larger cash prizes.

so this has actually been a really popular space that’s growing and there’s actually, so many apps out there where you can kind of deposit money pay a few dollars and enter these tournaments some of which pay anywhere you know from five bucks to $75 or more to the tournament winners and so some of the most popular cash gaming apps out there include.

Pool Payday

this one just pays you to win pool games on your phone against other people.

Cookie Cash

Cookie cash which is basically a competitive puzzle game

Bingo cash

so you’re playing in Bingo tournaments against other players.

Solitaire Cash

Play solitaire games against other players. Note: These apps require you to deposit money to compete in tournaments.

so I really want to be clear here with these cash gaming apps you’re actually depositing money that you own into these apps and then paying to compete in tournaments.

so this really isn’t the you know best kind of side hustle for everyone if you like Competitive Gaming it might be for you and again some of the tournament games are paying out you know $50 $75 or even more to Winners but if you’re kind of a bit more risk averse you don’t want to spend money to maybe make money.

I would definitely skip this and probably stick with some free gaming reward apps like cash giraffe missplay rewarded play and a bunch of others I’ve mentioned on this article.

Sharing Economy Apps

Number three on this list of highest paying apps the category I want to talk about are these kind of sharing economy apps, so the gig economy has been growing year-over-year and it’s an incredible way to make money in your spare time and one really cool kind of subsection of the gig economy is this kind of sharing economy which is actually a lot more passive and pretty lucrative.

so the idea here is also quite simple there’s a growing number of apps out there that basically, let you take an asset you own and rent it out or share it with other people to earn income Airbnb is honestly the best example of this.

it’s you know a massive company people use Airbnb all over the world but there’s a lot of smaller apps out there that again let you take an asset you have and actually monetize it by renting it to people in your city. so some of the coolest apps in this space I wanted to mention include


I wanted to mention include neighbor and this is basically Airbnb but for storage space, so you can rent out your basement or your attic or even just your driveway to people to make money every month.


Turo is another one you know there’s turo get around hire car and these kind of companies let you rent out your vehicle to other people to earn passive income.


Spot hero was another cool one I found and this just lets you rent out parking spaces so if you live in a busy City or even a town and you don’t have a car but you have a driveway or some parking space you can probably make you know $50 to $100 bucks or even more per month just by renting it out on spot hero you manage everything through the website or app.

Fat Llama

The last one I wanted to mention is a Marketplace called fat llama and this one’s really cool because you can rent out just about anything you know drones, cameras, guitars, bikes pretty much any piece of equipment someone might want for a one-time purpose but doesn’t want to actually buy it they can rent it on fat llama.

you make some nice passive income that way and again that’s really my favorite part about this kind of you know highest paying app category is a lot of it is semi- passive or passive like there are people out there who you know they rent out stuff on neighbor and then they just kind of forget about it they never really have to deal with a customer again.

there’s people out there who Outsource a lot of this stuff so maybe they run an Airbnb business but they Outsource the cleaning or Property Management, so some pretty cool ideas in this space if you’re willing to get a little bit creative.

Odd Job Apps

Next category of highest paying apps are these sort of odd job apps that let you find odd jobs in your neighborhood or city that you can complete to get some quick cash.

I’ve tested out lots of these apps over the years and I’ve use them during college and I think they’re a pretty cool way to basically find a same day pay kind of hustle that you know lets you pad your pockets a little bit and so I want to cover three pretty cool apps in the space.


First is oppizi and this is a new gig job that pays you to deliver flyers in your city the gigs are about 3 hours long and you earn about $65 per shift so the hourly pay is pretty decent.

what’s also cool is you can actually earn bonuses, if people sign up for the services that are on the Flyers so it can actually pay a little bit more.


TaskRabbit is another prime example I’m sure you’ve heard of this one before I mean it lets you make money by offering all kinds of services you know cleaning handyman work running errands for people grocery shopping even just standing in line and I actually saw this really cool Business Insider article about someone making $100,000 a year on task rabbit by helping people move.

so there’s a lot of income potential with this kind of gig and again some task rabbit gigs pay like $50 to $75 per hour or even more so it is definitely a high paying app.


the third one I wanted to mention in this category is Rover and this connects pet owners with people who can kind of help them with you know things like dog walking or pet sitting when they’re out of town or if they need a helping hand.

Rover workers often make about $15 to $25 per hour which is pretty solid and I saw a cool CNBC article where one guy made $3,750 per month with Rover, so it was kind of his nice side gig that he used in addition to his main job pretty solid income.

Delivery Apps

The fifth category of the highest paying apps I want to cover are delivery apps and this is again a very kind of tried and true side Hustle and I’m mentioning it in this article because it works and it does pay quite well.

so these types of delivery apps are especially lucrative if you live in a decently sized town or city with a lot of people and what’s really nice about them is you don’t necessarily need a vehicle to do them because a lot of companies actually let you deliver by scooter or by bike or even on foot in some markets.

DoorDash/Uber Eats/GrubHub

One of my best friends actually did this with DoorDash and Uber Eats after college so he had a bike he lived downtown Toronto he delivered for both of these companies and he was making about $15 to $22 per hour.

before tips when he delivered during lunch and dinner rushes, so for getet not spending money on gas he was getting to bike and get some exercise and he was making you know 20 bucks an hour at the same time so again that’s DoorDash, Uber to go work for GrubHub.


You can work for companies like instacart or shipped, there’s tons of different delivery apps out there all of which pay you know $15 to $20 per hour.

Amazon Flex

If you work during the busiest times and are in a decent Market gigs like Amazon Flex are also very very nice, because Amazon Flex actually has you schedule blocks and then pays you up to $25 per hour, so it’s a little bit more scheduled but the pay is honestly pretty decent.


One more quick delivery gig I wanted to mention that you might not have heard of is called citizen shipper and this is a pretty cool company because it basically pays you to make long distance deliveries.

so people on citizens shipper can ask people hey, if you’re swinging by you know the city in Texas or the city in Florida can you deliver this package for me and so people on citizens shipper as the drivers can earn hundreds or even thousands of dollars by delivering things like pets or Furniture.

you know different things you know across the United States, so it’s a very weird kind of Niche platform but there are some pretty high paying gigs.

I mean if you’re going on a road trip or you drive a lot for work you might be able to find some pretty decent deliveries along your route.

Investment Apps

The final category of highest paying apps I wanted to talk about in this article are investment apps and really the idea I wanted to share here is this strategy to kind of get some quick cash now and then to put it towards your long-term future.

I mean these days plenty of investment apps are willing to pay you sign up bonuses or give you free stocks, if you open an account with them so for a little bit of work and kind of shuffling some money around you can actually make.

some pretty decent money with really out much effort or even much starting cash, some popular stock Brokers paying bonuses right now in the United States.


Moomoo which is a new broker that pays up to 16 free stocks.


Public which pays you a free share worth anywhere from $3 to $300.


Stash which gives you a nice $5 bonus when you open an account and I like that the bonus is actually guaranteed at $5.


there’s Weeble which pays you up to 12 free stocks when you open an account

M1 Finance

M1 finance that pay you anywhere from $75 to $110,000 depending on the initial deposit you make.

These apps provide a range of opportunities to boost your income with your smartphone. Some of them are great for making a little extra cash on the side, while others can potentially bring in substantial amounts of money.

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you have a fantastic day and week! Catch you guys in the next one!

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